IBBA Releases December 2017 Genetic Evaluation
The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) has announced the release of December 2017 Genomic-Enhanced Expected Progeny Differences (GE-EPDs).
In this round of genetic evaluation, over 1.4 million animals were considered. Of those, GE-EPDs were produced for 13,010 Brangus®, Red BrangusTM, Ultrared, and Ultrablack® animals that have either high- or low-density genomic profiles in the database.
Members are encouraged to look at their individual profiles on IBBA’s member portal, at int-brangus.org, to see if any animals in their herd have qualified for GE-EPDs. Animals with a GE-EPD are identified on the website with the double helix DNA logo beside the EPD. Additionally, percentile ranks are posted to provide standings for individual traits of animals. These ranks are available on IBBA’s website, at https://gobrangus.com/breed-averages-and-percentile-ranks/.
Members can find confidence in their efforts knowing these evaluations improve the predictions of offspring performance when making selection and mating decisions for the future. Increases in the number of genotyped animals continues to improve the predictive power of the genetic evaluation.