Beef Tips Blog

A blog service provided by the International Brangus Breeders Association

Update on TJM Main Event 59C10

September 12, 2019
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Letter from IBBA Executive Vice President Regarding Staff Changes and Open Positions

July 25, 2019

Letter from IBBA Executive Vice President Regarding Staff Changes and Open Positions   Brangus Breeders,   IBBA has had some staff changes that I want you to be aware of.  Also, at the bottom of this letter, I have summarized two open positions at the association.  Whenever possible, I would like to fill open positions…

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IBBA Announces Staff Changes

July 9, 2019

IBBA Executive Vice President, Dr. Darrell L. Wilkes, has announced that Kelsey Wages, Director of Registration Services, has resigned her position effective July 19. “Kelsey came to IBBA with a lot of experience at the ranch-office level, working for Brangus breeders out in the real world.  She was a customer of IBBA’s before she became…

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IBBA Announces New EVP!

March 5, 2019

International Brangus Breeders Association 210-696-8231 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS…. Eddy Roberts, president of the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA), announced that Dr. Darrell Wilkes will assume the role of executive vice president of the 70-year-old Brangus cattle breed registry.   Dr. Wilkes comes with an extensive list of credentials and experience over a career that spans stints…

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2019 Annual Meeting & Convention

January 16, 2019


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IBBA Executive Vice President Search

January 10, 2019

RE: Executive Vice President Position Announcement The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) announces the opening of their Executive Vice President position. This change in the organization’s management occurs following the resignation of Dr. Tommy Perkins from the position late last year. The IBBA wishes to extend its gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Perkins for his…

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Carcass Merit and Meat Quality In Bos Indicus Influenced Cattle

April 27, 2018

by Raluca Mateescu, PhD., University of Florida The U.S. Beef Quality Audit identified low and inconsistent quality as major impediments to improving domestic demand for beef products. Consumers evaluate the quality of beef at the point of purchase with respect to freshness, marbling and color. Consumers evaluate the quality of beef at the point of consumption,…

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EPDs—A Proven Selection Tool

April 25, 2018

by New Mexico State University Extension Livestock Specialist Marcy Ward, PhD. Formula-based genetic evaluation of beef animals has been around since the early 1960s. Overtime, a combination of statistical equations, actual performance data, and pedigree information have been used to develop what came to be known as expected progeny difference (EPD) values. These values represent…

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April 25, 2018

by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Livestock Specialist Joe C. Paschal, PhD. Sustainability is a buzzword used by many, often to criticize modern agriculture. Merriam-Webster defines sustainability as “able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed; involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources; and able to last or…

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Setting Goals: Know Where You Are Going

April 25, 2018

by IBBA Member Relations Specialist Macee Prause Advancement in technologies continue in the agriculture sector and beef industry and it is important to note the implementation of these technologies vary across the industry. As you think about your production system, nutrition program, and marketing plans, the goal of the ranch should be the center of…

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