Brangus. Does it make the grade?

An overview of beef grading by Loni Lucherk, Texas Tech University   When I think of Brangus® cattle, in a meat sense, I think about what the Brahman and Angus breeds bring to the table in terms of carcass characteristics. A combination of yield, growth and quality that results in a consistent product. However, I…

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Exporting & Importing: What to Expect

by Hillary Kvamme, Elgin Breeding Service We see it every day with modern technology: pictures of the newest calf born in a country thousands of miles from the bull that sired it. While this seems to be a rather routine undertaking, after all, we see the pictures and hear the stories constantly, the process it…

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Drone Photography Has Been An Experience

by Penny Bowie, Omni Advertising and Graphics, Inc. As a professional photographer, I keep up with all the latest in technology when it comes to cameras and I had been watching closely the development of drones. I wanted to purchase one when the camera engineering would complement my business. I needed a 4K video camera that…

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The Dance Steps of Genomics Part I: Understanding Genomic Prediction

by Jared Decker, PhD., University of Missouri Extension Whenever I hear the words “two-step” my mind goes back to my teenage years when I danced with cute girls at the county fair. But, in this article we will be discussing a different type of two-step. There are two common methods, referred to as two-step or…

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