Posts Tagged ‘marketing’
Marketing: Endless Opportunities
by Karoline Rose Payday: the day when all your hard work for the year leaves the driveway on a cattle truck, and you hold a check in hand. As a cattle procurement officer and a cow-calf operator, I am on both sides of the payday coin. I know this is how many of us operate…
Read More2017: The Year of the Ultrablack®
by Tori Perkins Looking out into a cow-filled pasture, it is hard to see the difference between them at first glance. When you take time to look closer, there is a clear difference between each breed in the pasture and on your plate. Brangus cattle are known for being the hardy cross between the Angus…
Read MoreMarketing Your Cattle in a Live Auction
by Mark Cowan, American Marketing Services What does it take to market cattle in an auction? Good cattle are a given. However, to be consistently successful, you need more than just good cattle – you need a plan. Plan to market your cattle well in advance of the event. That planning and goal-setting should occur…
Read MoreHow Will You Market Your Cattle This Fall?
by IBBA Executive Vice President Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS The fall sale season is in full swing; therefore, implementation and utilization of all available marketing tools may add value to your Brangus genetics. These tools include development of a strong business plan and an organized marketing plan to help your program stand out from others. The…
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