{"id":18813,"date":"2018-05-01T11:37:32","date_gmt":"2018-05-01T16:37:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/gobrangus.com\/?page_id=18813"},"modified":"2023-07-10T13:34:06","modified_gmt":"2023-07-10T19:34:06","slug":"membership-application","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/gobrangus.com\/about\/member-benefits\/membership-application\/","title":{"rendered":"Online Membership Application"},"content":{"rendered":"\r\n\r\n\t

Online Membership Application<\/h2>\r\n

In consideration of the International Brangus\u00ae Breeders Association, Inc., processing this form and issuing any documents based thereon, each person signing this form agrees to be bound by and to abide by the rules, regulations, constitution and by-laws of the association, as from time to time amended, copies are available upon request or online at www.GoBrangus.com.<\/p>\r\n

Junior Membership<\/h3>\r\n

Membership in the International Junior Brangus\u00ae Breeders Association (IJBBA) is available to youth under 21 years of age who own registered Brangus cattle or have an interest in Brangus. Annual dues are $25 each year with renewal notices mailing in November. Membership includes several benefits. It allows the member to participate in all junior activities including the National Junior Brangus Show (NJBS), the NJBS contests, and the IJBBA Leadership Conference.<\/p>\r\n

Senior Membership<\/h3>\r\n

Active senior membership is $125 each year with renewal notices mailing annually in November.<\/p>\r\n

Associate Membership<\/h3>\r\n

Associate membership shall be granted to any person of reputable character interested in promotion of the best interest of the Brangus breed, but said associate memberships shall be without voting power or the right to register, certify or enroll cattle at member rates.<\/p>\r\n

Brangus Journal<\/h3>\r\n

Seniors & Associates only Subscription to the Brangus Journal is included in membership.<\/p>\r\n


Online Application for IBBA Membership<\/h2>\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\tNotice: JavaScript is required for this content.\r\n