IBBA Committees
“Strong leadership is an important part of the overall success of each committee,” said IBBA Executive Vice President, Rick Cozzitorto “I appreciate each of the appointed committee chairs who have taken on the challenge and extra effort to lead their respective committees.”
Standing Committees
Breed Improvement Committee
The committee is charged to consider, pursue and participate in the implementation of all issues relating to development of Brangus or Red Brangus cattle, including but not limited to, performance data, breed traits and characteristics and consideration of all research projects and information available. The Long-Term Plan proposes ideas such as the Brangus Value Project, moving from an IMF EPD to a marbling score EPD, and developing indexes based on economic values.
Committee Members: Chairman Josh Walker will lead members April Villarreal, Brad Wright, Christopher Heptinstall, Chris Koffskey, David Gochnour, Garrett Thomas, Grady Green, Hunter Horne, Kyle Caires, Ph.D., Mark Cowan, Mary Douglass, Richard Hood, Sky Herndon, Stephen Lee, Traci Middleton, Tracy Holbert, Traves Armstrong, Tyler Dean, and Vernon Suhn.
IBBA Board Liaison: Josh Walker
IBBA Staff Liaison: Macee Wagner
IJBBA Liaison: Jaxon Allen and Camille Burns
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Commercial Marketing Committee
The commercial marketing committee is to consider, purse and implement all issues relating to promoting Brangus or Red Brangus Cattle to the commercial market and to develop commercial marketing programs, ideas and strategies; and to develop tools to better enable members to market Brangus or Red Brangus cattle into the commercial industry. The committee will work to expand and improve initiatives such as the Brangus Built program and will develop working relationships with feeding and packing companies. This committee will work collaboratively with the Breed Improvement Committee in executing the Brangus Value Project that involves compiling feedlot and carcass data on 10,000 Brangus sire-identified cattle over the next decade.
Committee Members: Chairman Cody Glenn will lead members Davey Sneed, Don Liska, Kurt Trammel, Brad Chisum, Craig Green, Justin Matejka, Greg Romans, Marty Lavender, Jodi Jackson, Erik Wiley, Michael Hurla, Marcos Borges, and Chris Koffskey.
IBBA Board Liaison: Gary Adamek
IBBA Staff Liaison: Kyle Caldwell
IJBBA Liaison: Kade Whiddon and Emily Jackson
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Finance Committee
To assist the Executive Vice President in developing an association budget in response to the priorities and projects of the standing committees and consideration of the general association expenses and revenues: to develop programs and ideas to produce revenues and to monitor the financial health of the association and make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding financial concerns.
Committee Members: Chairman Jeremy Jackson will lead members JP Quinn, Warren Young, Steve Mims, Mark Perry, Joe Fuller, Mike Weathers, John Greenwood, Caleb Crocker, and Joy Reznicek.
IBBA Board Liaison: Jeremy Jackson
IBBA Staff Liaison: Brian Sadovsky
IJBBA Liaison: Emily Tittor
International Committee
This committee’s responsibility is to expand global markets for U.S. Brangus genetics, live and frozen. The committee represents IBBA in the Federation of International Brangus Associations (FIBRA), is key liaison with the U.S. Livestock Genetics Export Inc. (USLGE) and coordinate foreign trade missions in addition to hosting international visitors.
Committee Members: Chairman Garrett Thomas will lead members Dan Marvel, PJ Budler, Allen Goode, Claudio Fiiretti, Buck Thomason, Bill Austin, Craig Green, April Villarreal, Gary Adamek, and Matt Barton.
IBBA Board Liaison: Jeremy Jackson
IBBA Staff Liaison: Macee Wagner
IJBBA Liaison: Grant Goree and Savannah Hanson
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Member Services & Education Committee
The committee’s responsibilities are to enhance membership programs, encourage growth in membership enrollment and develop and retain association members; and to create educational opportunities on the local, regional, and national levels for all members. The long-term plan suggests that a non-voting junior member be added to each IBBA standing committee and this committee would be responsible for encouraging juniors to participate. It is encouraged they create and offer leadership training programs for members that are interested in committee leadership or board of director roles.
Committee Members: Chairman Karen Adamek will lead members Megan Greenwood, Gary Wente, Steve Mims, Laura Lee Taylor, Anthony Giffin, and JP Quinn.
IBBA Board Liaison: Gary Adamek
IBBA Staff Liaison: Mandie Sadovsky
IJBBA Liaison: Isabelle Parkey and Gracie Johnson
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Promotions Committee
The promotion committee is to develop and implement promotional strategies and plans, including, but not limited to, formal advertising campaigns, which promote Brangus or Red Brangus cattle and the International Brangus Breeders Association. The promotions committees take on the role of promoting Brangus to cattle breeders, feeders and packers through advertising and other means, including the increasingly important tool of social media. The committee is responsible for conceiving and testing promotional messaging, including conduct of marketing and messaging research.
Committee Members: Chairwoman Megan Greenwood will lead members Grady Green, Audrey Acord, Lisa Neal, Will Gregory, Josh Walker, Kurt Trammell, Trey Cuevas, Dane McGinnis, and Kendall Whatley.
IBBA Board Liaison: Shiloh Hall
IBBA Staff Liaison: Jessie England
IJBBA Liaison: Emily Jackson and Carter Aucoin
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Show Committee
The show committee is to select judges for the national shows; to create a list of potential judges for use by other shows; to develop and monitor implementation of show rules and guidelines; to recommend locations for shows; to appoint and charge the ethics committee when needed at times of disputes or formal complaints arise; and to assist in the production of the Brangus Futurity and other national shows as needed.
Committee Members: Chairman Mark Perry will lead members Lari Scott, Chris McKee, Todd Mascheck, Melissa Nichols, Jay Durheim, Taylor Burns, Andrew Conley, Mary Douglass, Tammy Perry, April Villarreal, Dr. Stephen Lee, Sharee Sankey, Kody Lucherk, Mark Koehl, and Jennifer Allen.
IBBA Board Liaison: Matt Barton
IBBA Staff Liaison: Lori Edwards-Dunkerley
IJBBA Liaison: Emma Tittor and Isabelle Parkey
Long Term Planning Committee
The Long Term Planning Committee is charged with maintaining a dynamic plan that is responsive to the needs of members and, importantly, the needs of commercial beef producers utilizing Brangus genetics. This committee works closely with the other standing committees to encourage implementation of the strategies defined in the Long Term Plan.
Committee Members: Chairman Joe Fuller will lead members Don Cox, Hunter Horne, Jeremy Jackson, Joe Cavender, Joy Reznicek, Mark Cowan, Ricky Cleveland, Shiloh Hall, Traci Middleton, Tracy Holbert, and Allen Goode.
IBBA Board Liaison: Joe Fuller
IBBA Staff Liaison: Dr. Darrell Wilkes
IJBBA Liaison: Aubrey Meador and Jaxon Allen
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Special Committees
IJBBA Advisors
Committee Members: Chairman Brandon Belt will lead members Katy Knox Wunderlich, Shelby Conley, Jennifer and Michael Allen, Kari Rhodes, Darin Wiley, Amy Dieta, and Dusty Marks.
Bylaws Ad Hoc Committee
Committee Members: Brandon Belt and Mike Vorel
“I thank each of the 2024 committee members for their commitment to the breed,” Cozzitorto stated. “Committee involvement is important to the future growth and development of the IBBA.”
The IBBA President will appoint committee chairs of the following committees: Breed Improvement, Commercial Marketing, Finance, International, Member Service and Education, Promotion, Show and Long Term Planning. IBBA members are encouraged to volunteer to serve on IBBA committees. The IBBA Board of Directors makes official committee appointments upon committee member application submission.
IBBA committees meet multiple times through out the year. Meetings are conducted in person and via conference call. Please note that IBBA does not provide reimbursement for meals or other travel expenses incurred for meeting commitments. It is preferred that only those persons willing to take the committee membership seriously volunteer. Meeting attendance would be expected to take high priority if selected to such position.
If you would like to be considered for appointment to one or more of the committees listed for 2024-2025,please complete, sign and return this form to IBBA’s office by March 15, 2024 via mail (P.O. Box 809,Adkins, TX 78101), email Mandie([email protected]) or fax(210-696-8718)