Member Benefits
The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) is a membership-based organization with a mission to empower its members to advance the quality, reliability and value of Brangus and Brangus-influenced cattle; and to provide innovative programs and services which enhance the economic well-being of members and commercial customers. The IBBA membership is comprised of senior, associate and junior members. Member activities include IBBA's Annual Meeting, Awards Banquet, and Convention, field days, sales, and more.
Active members are reputable Brangus cattle breeders of good character.
Senior Membership
To be a senior member, one must own cattle registered in the association. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, co-ownership, syndicates, ownership by a trust or estate, or the heir of any deceased person holding membership may become active members. Senior memberships are $125, annually. Senior members are automatically subscribed to the Brangus Journal and FRONTLINE Beef Producer.
Active senior membership is $125 each year with renewal notices mailed annually in November.
Associate Membership
Associate memberships are granted to any person of reputable character interested in promotion of the best interest of the Brangus breed, but said associate memberships shall be without voting power or the right to register, certify or enroll cattle. An associate membership is $35, annually. Associate members are automatically subscribed to the Brangus Journal and FRONTLINE Beef Producer.
Junior Membership
Junior memberships are available through the International Junior Brangus® Breeders Association (IJBBA) for youth who own registered Brangus cattle or who have any interest in Brangus. Membership is required for participation in junior activities including the National Junior Brangus Show (NJBS), NJBS contests, and the IJBBA Leadership Conference. The cost of junior membership is $25, annually. IJBBA memberships expire the calendar year of the member’s 22nd birthday; the first-year transition to active senior membership is complimentary.
Membership Application
If you are interested in joining the IBBA, as a Junior, Associate, or Senior Member, download the application, print it, fill it out, and send it in! It's that simple.
Affiliate Associations
All Brangus cattle of members in any Brangus-affiliated association in the U.S. are registered through the IBBA. Affiliate associations are important for the progress of Brangus cattle in specific regions, and they promote communication and education for producers in the area. Each affiliate association should be contacted separately for membership. IBBA-affiliated associations include the following: Arkansas Brangus Breeders Association, Heart of America Brangus Breeders Association, Hill Country Brangus Breeders Association, International Red Brangus Brangus Breeders Association, Louisiana Brangus Breeders Association, Mississippi Brangus Breeders Association, Oklahoma Brangus Association, Southeast Brangus Breeders Association, Southwest Brangus Breeders Association, Texas Brangus Breeders Association, West Coast Brangus Breeders Association, and West Texas Brangus Breeders Association.
Annual Member Activities
- Annual Member Convention
- National Junior Brangus Show & Futurity
- Field Days
- Sales
- And much more!