Show Animal Standings

Brangus® Show Animal Standings for the Current Season

(N) = National Shows; (R) = Regional Shows

Note: Horizontal scrolling of data tables may be necessary on small screens.

Brangus Heifer of the Year

Brangus Bull of the Year

Brangus Dam of the Year

Brangus Sire of the Year

Brangus Cow Calf Pair

Red Brangus Heifer of the Year

Red Brangus Bull of the Year

Red Brangus Dam of the Year

Red Brangus Sire of the Year

Red Brangus Cow Calf Pair

Ultra Brangus Heifer of the Year

Ultra Brangus Bull of the Year

Ultra Brangus Dam of the Year

Ultra Brangus Sire of the Year

Ultra Brangus Cow Calf Pair