Brangus® News and Information

The Brangus Project

May 5, 2017

by Taylor Shackelford There is no right or wrong way to raise livestock. Many would agree, one of the best things you can do is learn from the successes of others. If that doesn’t work, if you don’t learn what you need, or if you see a trending flaw, start back at the basics. Build…

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Freshness Guaranteed

May 5, 2017

by Taylor Shackelford How do you stay current? Does anyone read the newspaper for their daily update on the world anymore? Many probably listen to a morning radio broadcast or watch the local evening news. At Starwood Brangus, herd size isn’t everything. Especially if you embrace the shift in mediums toward the internet, a simple…

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International Affairs

May 5, 2017

by IBBA Executive Vice President Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS The Brangus® cowherd continues to be a great factory driving profitability in many operations. Likewise, the Brangus Built program has been a shining star for the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) the past couple of months. Commercial Brangus® females wearing the Brangus Built eartag have been…

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Bull Breeding Soundness: What’s in a Guarantee?

May 5, 2017

by John M. Davidson, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Beef Cattle Practice) Beef cattle reproduction is fairly straightforward. What separates the high-achieving producer from those with lesser productivity can often be attention paid to the most basic of details. One of these critical details is the bull breeding soundness examination (BBSE). The breeding evaluation of the bull…

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Brangus. Does it make the grade?

May 5, 2017

An overview of beef grading by Loni Lucherk, Texas Tech University   When I think of Brangus® cattle, in a meat sense, I think about what the Brahman and Angus breeds bring to the table in terms of carcass characteristics. A combination of yield, growth and quality that results in a consistent product. However, I…

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Exporting & Importing: What to Expect

May 5, 2017

by Hillary Kvamme, Elgin Breeding Service We see it every day with modern technology: pictures of the newest calf born in a country thousands of miles from the bull that sired it. While this seems to be a rather routine undertaking, after all, we see the pictures and hear the stories constantly, the process it…

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May 5, 2017

Csonka: His legacy continues to influence the breed, both domestically and internationally. by Martha Hollida Garrett   Csonka of Brinks 30R4 was just one of many bulls born in 2005, but perhaps no other bull in the history of the breed has impacted and changed Brangus like he has in terms of producing both extremely popular…

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New IBBA Officers Elected at Annual Meeting & Convention

May 5, 2017

Attendees at the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) 2017 Annual Meeting and Convention installed newly-elected officers to the board of directors on Feb. 11 at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort and Spa. The newly-elected board members are Vern Suhn, of Suhn Cattle Company in Eureka, Kansas, who will represent IBBA members in…

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Ranching: The School of Life

May 5, 2017

by Linda Jordens Galayda, Texas Rancher Girl Many associations, colleges, conventions, and large ranches offer a school curriculum for successful ranching. But did you ever stop to think that your ranch serves up a school of life every single day? Yep, everything from life basics to some pretty advanced do-or-die classes. I thought maybe we…

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Meet Your New Field Service Representative

May 5, 2017

by IBBA Field Service Representative Matt Murdoch I would like to introduce myself. My name is Matt Murdoch. I just recently joined the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) in January as a field services representative. I grew up in the small town of Marion, Texas showing American-Cross show steers and judging livestock from the age…

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