Brangus® News and Information

Genomic Advancements for Brangus

May 5, 2017

by IBBA Executive Vice President Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS The cattle market continues to underwhelm most of us in the industry. It’s hard to say where we will end up in 2017, but it sure seems like we have at least hit the bottom of the price scale. All indications lead to an improved market…

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Building with Brangus is the Right Choice

May 5, 2017

by IBBA Executive Vice President Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS As we move into the spring calving season for 2017, cattle prices continue to be on the upside of our recent roller coaster ride. The value of every pound of weaned calf continues to have significance in the commercial cattle segment. I do not know of…

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Marketing: Endless Opportunities

May 5, 2017

by Karoline Rose Payday: the day when all your hard work for the year leaves the driveway on a cattle truck, and you hold a check in hand. As a cattle procurement officer and a cow-calf operator, I am on both sides of the payday coin. I know this is how many of us operate…

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2017: The Year of the Ultrablack®

May 5, 2017

by Tori Perkins Looking out into a cow-filled pasture, it is hard to see the difference between them at first glance. When you take time to look closer, there is a clear difference between each breed in the pasture and on your plate. Brangus cattle are known for being the hardy cross between the Angus…

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The Measure of a Man

May 5, 2017

by Taylor Shackelford Not every commercial cattle operation is just cow-calf. Stevie Ray Hansen and his ranch, Hansen Land and Cattle Company (HLC), is a book you can’t judge by its cover. In addition to his commercial Brangus operation, he just signed on a property to house foster kids as they age out of the…

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Brangus in the High Country

May 5, 2017

by Taylor Shackelford If you’ve heard of Brangus, you know of the 3/8 Brahman influence that helps them to survive in the warm, humid climates across the southern and coastal regions of the United States and other areas like them around the world. However, Brangus are not just built for heat. These cattle are survivors.…

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Marketing Your Cattle in a Live Auction

May 5, 2017

by Mark Cowan, American Marketing Services What does it take to market cattle in an auction? Good cattle are a given. However, to be consistently successful, you need more than just good cattle – you need a plan. Plan to market your cattle well in advance of the event. That planning and goal-setting should occur…

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It’s All in the Family

May 5, 2017

by Taylor Shackelford Starting a cattle herd can be a daunting task. For someone just getting into the Brangus breed, there are hundreds of genetic options to navigate. Most understand expected progeny differences (EPDs) typically fall into one of three categories: reproductive, growth-driven or carcass-oriented. Yet, there are highly-sought genetics, which encompass multiple EPD traits,…

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History of the IBBA

May 5, 2017

by Past-IBBA Executive Vice President Roy Lilley It is a privilege to write a short article about the history of Brangus cattle and the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA). When I was hired as executive vice president in 1964, many of the pioneers of the breed who formed the American Brangus Breeders Association in 1949…

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International Guests Attend Educational Seminar

May 5, 2017

The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) hosted individuals from five countries at an international seminar on Dec. 6-7 in Fort Worth, Texas. “The opportunities for Brangus are developing at a rapid pace in many countries. The breeders and their associations look to the IBBA as a leader in the Brangus world,” said IBBA International Committee…

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