
What traits make for the ideal mother cow? – Joe and Sandy Willey

What do you need to re-build your herd? – Adam Whitesell

What benefit does Residual Feed Intake data offer and how can Brangus contribute? – Dr. Gordon Carstens

Ultimately what are we producing? – Kelley Sullivan

Regstr – How To Register an Animal

International Brangus Breeders Association featured on American Rancher

Dr. Carstens on Residual Feed Intake and Brangus

Dr. Carstens from Texas A&M University, Professor of Animal Nutrition, on Residual Feed Intake and Brangus

Brangus Feature on The American Rancher

The Brangus breed is an American beef breed developed with commercial producers in mind. Researchers began experimenting with crosses of Angus and Brahman as early as 1912 at the Jeannerette, La., USDA experiment station. Their goal was to develop a hearty type of animal with adaptability and carcass quality that would thrive in heat and environmentally challenging ranch country.

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