RE: Executive Vice President Position Announcement
The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) announces the opening of their Executive Vice President position. This change in the organization’s management occurs following the resignation of Dr. Tommy Perkins from the position late last year. The IBBA wishes to extend its gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Perkins for his term of service and leadership to our association and membership.
A search committee has been formed to recruit, interview, and screen candidates and the transition is scheduled to take place on March 15, 2019.
The responsibilities included in serving as the Executive Vice President of IBBA will be to oversee all staff activities, provide leadership to the Association, and serve as a representative of the Brangus breed through involvement in various industry events and activities. In addition to the position’s duties directly associated to working with IBBA, the individual selected will also serve as the Chief Executive Officer of Genetic Performance Solutions, a registry services company owned by IBBA. The Executive Vice President position is based at the IBBA Headquarters in San Antonio, Texas.